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研究論文【教育哲史】(Research Paper: Educational Philosophy & History)
研究論文【教育行政、政策與制度】(Research Paper: Educational Administration, Policy & System)
研究論文【課程、教學與學習】(Research Paper: Curriculum, Instruction & Learning)
Research Paper: Curriculum, Instruction & Learning
Research papers focus on the original theory or empirical research. English manuscripts should not exceed 10,000 words (including abstract, tables, figures, footnotes, references, and appendices).
The title page should contain the title, abstract (maximum 600 words) and keywords (4 to 8). The abstract should contain the purpose, design/methodology /approach, findings, originality/value, and implications for policy/practice. Each item should be written in different paragraphs.
研究論文【評鑑、評量與方法】(Research Paper: Educational Evaluation & Assessment)
Research Paper: Educational Evaluation & Assessment
Research papers focus on the original theory or empirical research. English manuscripts should not exceed 10,000 words (including abstract, tables, figures, footnotes, references, and appendices).
The title page should contain the title, abstract (maximum 600 words) and keywords (4 to 8). The abstract should contain the purpose, design/methodology /approach, findings, originality/value, and implications for policy/practice. Each item should be written in different paragraphs.
研究論文【教育社會、人類與文化研究】(Research Paper:Educational Sociology, Anthropology & Cultural
Research Paper:Educational Sociology, Anthropology & Cultural Studies:
Research papers focus on the original theory or empirical research. English manuscripts should not exceed 10,000 words (including abstract, tables, figures, footnotes, references, and appendices).
The title page should contain the title, abstract (maximum 600 words) and keywords (4 to 8). The abstract should contain the purpose, design/methodology /approach, findings, originality/value, and implications for policy/practice. Each item should be written in different paragraphs.
學術評論【教育哲史】( Scholarly Commentary: Educational Philosophy & History)
Scholarly commentaries welcome in-depth, original commentaries, reflections or suggestions for educational theories, issues, research findings, policy and practice in Taiwan or other countries. The manuscript should not exceed 7,000 words.
The title page should contain the title, abstract (maximum 600 words) and keywords (4 to 8).
學術評論【教育行政、政策與制度】(Scholarly Commentary: Educational Administration, Policy & Sys)
Scholarly Commentary: Educational Administration, Policy & System
Scholarly commentaries welcome in-depth, original commentaries, reflections or suggestions for educational theories, issues, research findings, policy and practice in Taiwan or other countries. The manuscript should not exceed 7,000 words.
The title page should contain the title, abstract (maximum 600 words) and keywords (4 to 8).
學術評論【課程、教學與學習】(Scholarly Commentary: Curriculum, Instruction & Learning)
Scholarly Commentary: Curriculum, Instruction & Learning
Scholarly commentaries welcomein-depth, original commentaries, reflections or suggestions for educational theories, issues, research findings, policy and practice in Taiwan or other countries. The manuscript should not exceed 7,000 words.
The title page should contain the title, abstract (maximum 600 words) and keywords (4 to 8).
學術評論【教育評鑑、評量與方法】(Scholarly Commentary: Educational Evaluation & Assessment)
Scholarly Commentary: Educational Evaluation & Assessment
Scholarly commentaries welcomein-depth, original commentaries, reflections or suggestions for educational theories, issues, research findings, policy and practice in Taiwan or other countries. The manuscript should not exceed 7,000 words.
The title page should contain the title, abstract (maximum 600 words) and keywords (4 to 8).
學術評論【教育社會、人類與文化研究】(Scholarly Commentary: Educational Sociology, Anthropology &
Scholarly Commentary: Educational Sociology, Anthropology & Cultural Studies
Scholarly commentaries welcomein-depth, original commentaries, reflections or suggestions for educational theories, issues, research findings, policy and practice in Taiwan or other countries. The manuscript should not exceed 7,000 words.
The title page should contain the title, abstract (maximum 600 words) and keywords (4 to 8).
研究紀要(Research Note)
Research notes cover recent important empirical findings, innovative theories, concepts, methods, or tools. The manuscript should not exceed 7,000 words.
The title page should contain the title, abstract (maximum 400 words) and keywords (4 to 8).