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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 請填寫投稿者基本資料表,並上傳至系統中。基本資料表下載:
  • 這份稿件之前尚未出版,也未曾投稿至其他稿件。
  • 稿件檔案是 Microsoft Word 文件檔案格式。
  • 文字內容為單行行距;使用12pt字體大小;採用斜體而不用底線(除非是帶有網址);而所有的圖解、圖示和表格都放在文中恰當位置,而非文末。
  • 本文依循本刊徵稿辦法所要求文體與書目格式。
  • 如果要投稿到需審查的期刊文稿類型,本文遵守確保匿名審查的說明指南。

Author Guidelines



二、 本刊每一年出版一卷四期,分別於每年三、六、九、十二月出刊,並得視需要,訂定徵稿主題 。歡迎教育相關領域中、英文研究論文投稿。特別歡迎能引領、反映、反思當代教育研究議題與成果之文章。
三、 本刊全年徵稿,徵稿領域如下:






四、 本刊歡迎多元型態之原創性學術論文,原創性學術論文徵稿類型如下:

(一)研究論文(research paper):以教育原創性之理論或實徵研究為主,全文(含所有圖表、註釋、附錄、中英文摘要及參考書目等)總字數中文以二萬字為原則,英文以一萬字為原則。

(二)學術評論(scholarly commentary):針對國內外教育理論、議題、研究成果、實務發展之系統性評論、反思與建議,總字數中文以一萬五千字為原則,英文以七千字為原則。

(三)研究紀要(research note):針對即時、重要之實徵研究結果,理論或概念之創新發展,研究方法或工具之創新進行系統性說明、分析與討論。總字數中文以一萬五千字為原則,英文以七千字為原則。

(四)書評(book review):本刊將視需要,邀請專家學者撰寫書評,針對新出版之重要書籍介紹與評論,亦歡迎投稿。書評需經編輯審通過後方可刊登。中文以五千字為原則,英文以三千字為原則。

(五)教育瞭望(education observatory):針對教育新知、改革趨勢、各國教育發展撰寫五千字內之介紹與評論。教育瞭望需經編輯審通過後方可刊登。

五、 投稿要項:
  (一) 本刊採線上投稿,投稿者請至登錄並依投稿系統指示上傳資料。
  (二) 稿件需為Microsoft Word電子檔案,內文由左至右橫式書寫(12號字,單行間距),並註明頁碼。
  (三) 請勿在文稿中出現任何得以辨識作者之基本資料,以利審查之進行。
1. 研究論文:首頁為中文標題、摘要(1000字以內)與關鍵詞(4-8個),第二頁為英文標題、摘要(800字以內)與關鍵詞(4-8個)。中、英文摘要應包含項目:
2. 學術評論:首頁為中文標題、摘要(800字以內)與關鍵詞(4-8個),第二頁為英文標題、摘要(600字以內)與關鍵詞(4-8個)。中英文摘要採段落式撰寫。
3. 研究紀要;首頁為中文標題、摘要(600字以內)與關鍵詞(4-8個),第二頁為英文標題、摘要(400字以內)與關鍵詞(4-8個)。中英文摘要採段落式撰寫。
4. 書評:首頁載明中英文標題、關鍵字(4-8個)、書籍基本資料(參閱本刊書籍格式),接續正文。
5. 教育瞭望:首頁載明中英文標題、關鍵字(4-8個),接續正文。
  (五) 正文:包括正文(圖表、註釋、附錄)及參考文獻。





六、 審查程序:
  (一) 凡來稿均需經本刊形式審,不符合本刊所要求之形式要件(詳上述)者,不作後續審查。
  (二) 本刊所刊文章均須依序經初審、二位以上專業審查者匿名外審與編輯審,通過者始得刊登。
  (三) 本刊因編輯需要,保有刪修權,並有權決定稿件刊登之(卷)期數。
七、 著作財產權事宜:
  (一) 來稿如有一稿多投,或侵犯他人著作權者,除由作者自負相關的法律責任外,兩年內本刊不再接受該位作者投稿。所謂一稿多投,包括題目不同,但內容大同小異,且已在其他刊物發表,或同時投稿本刊及其他刊物者。
  (二) 來稿若經審查通過採用,屆時將通知提供修正稿及定稿電子檔案(以Word檔儲存),並簽署著作財產權轉讓同意書乙份。
八、 本刊全年收稿,隨到隨審,來稿原則上將於收件後六個月內回覆審查結果。
九、 作者負擔費用:





十、 本刊得邀約教育相關領域之具有學術聲望學者撰寫特約稿件,稿件處理方式比照本刊相關規定辦理,但不受第九條限制。
十一 本辦法經本中心編輯委員會會議通過後實施;修正時亦同。

研究論文【教育哲史】(Research Paper: Educational Philosophy & History)

Research Paper: Educational Philosophy & History
Research papers focus on the original theory or empirical research. English manuscripts should not exceed 10,000 words (including abstract, tables, figures, footnotes, references, and appendices).
The title page should contain the title, abstract (maximum 600 words) and keywords (4 to 8). The abstract should contain the purpose, design/methodology /approach, findings, originality/value, and implications for policy/practice. Each item should be written in different paragraphs.

研究論文【教育行政、政策與制度】(Research Paper: Educational Administration, Policy & System)

Research Paper: Educational Administration, Policy & System
Research papers focus on the original theory or empirical research. English manuscripts should not exceed 10,000 words (including abstract, tables, figures, footnotes, references, and appendices).
The title page should contain the title, abstract (maximum 600 words) and keywords (4 to 8). The abstract should contain the purpose, design/methodology /approach, findings, originality/value, and implications for policy/practice. Each item should be written in different paragraphs.

研究論文【課程、教學與學習】(Research Paper: Curriculum, Instruction & Learning)


Research Paper: Curriculum, Instruction & Learning
Research papers focus on the original theory or empirical research. English manuscripts should not exceed 10,000 words (including abstract, tables, figures, footnotes, references, and appendices).
The title page should contain the title, abstract (maximum 600 words) and keywords (4 to 8). The abstract should contain the purpose, design/methodology /approach, findings, originality/value, and implications for policy/practice. Each item should be written in different paragraphs.

研究論文【評鑑、評量與方法】(Research Paper: Educational Evaluation & Assessment)


Research Paper: Educational Evaluation & Assessment
Research papers focus on the original theory or empirical research. English manuscripts should not exceed 10,000 words (including abstract, tables, figures, footnotes, references, and appendices).
The title page should contain the title, abstract (maximum 600 words) and keywords (4 to 8). The abstract should contain the purpose, design/methodology /approach, findings, originality/value, and implications for policy/practice. Each item should be written in different paragraphs.

研究論文【教育社會、人類與文化研究】(Research Paper:Educational Sociology, Anthropology & Cultural


Research Paper:Educational Sociology, Anthropology & Cultural Studies:
Research papers focus on the original theory or empirical research. English manuscripts should not exceed 10,000 words (including abstract, tables, figures, footnotes, references, and appendices).
The title page should contain the title, abstract (maximum 600 words) and keywords (4 to 8). The abstract should contain the purpose, design/methodology /approach, findings, originality/value, and implications for policy/practice. Each item should be written in different paragraphs.

學術評論【教育哲史】( Scholarly Commentary: Educational Philosophy & History)


Scholarly commentaries welcome in-depth, original commentaries, reflections or suggestions for educational theories, issues, research findings, policy and practice in Taiwan or other countries. The manuscript should not exceed 7,000 words.
The title page should contain the title, abstract (maximum 600 words) and keywords (4 to 8).

學術評論【教育行政、政策與制度】(Scholarly Commentary: Educational Administration, Policy & Sys)


Scholarly Commentary: Educational Administration, Policy & System
Scholarly commentaries welcome in-depth, original commentaries, reflections or suggestions for educational theories, issues, research findings, policy and practice in Taiwan or other countries. The manuscript should not exceed 7,000 words.
The title page should contain the title, abstract (maximum 600 words) and keywords (4 to 8).

學術評論【課程、教學與學習】(Scholarly Commentary: Curriculum, Instruction & Learning)


Scholarly Commentary: Curriculum, Instruction & Learning
Scholarly commentaries welcomein-depth, original commentaries, reflections or suggestions for educational theories, issues, research findings, policy and practice in Taiwan or other countries. The manuscript should not exceed 7,000 words.
The title page should contain the title, abstract (maximum 600 words) and keywords (4 to 8).

學術評論【教育評鑑、評量與方法】(Scholarly Commentary: Educational Evaluation & Assessment)


Scholarly Commentary: Educational Evaluation & Assessment
Scholarly commentaries welcomein-depth, original commentaries, reflections or suggestions for educational theories, issues, research findings, policy and practice in Taiwan or other countries. The manuscript should not exceed 7,000 words.
The title page should contain the title, abstract (maximum 600 words) and keywords (4 to 8).

學術評論【教育社會、人類與文化研究】(Scholarly Commentary: Educational Sociology, Anthropology &


Scholarly Commentary: Educational Sociology, Anthropology & Cultural Studies
Scholarly commentaries welcomein-depth, original commentaries, reflections or suggestions for educational theories, issues, research findings, policy and practice in Taiwan or other countries. The manuscript should not exceed 7,000 words.
The title page should contain the title, abstract (maximum 600 words) and keywords (4 to 8).

研究紀要(Research Note)


Research notes cover recent important empirical findings, innovative theories, concepts, methods, or tools. The manuscript should not exceed 7,000 words.
The title page should contain the title, abstract (maximum 400 words) and keywords (4 to 8).

Privacy Statement
